"Zelda" Documentary Feature

Duration: 60 min 
Featuring: Zelda Volkov
Director : Lauren Greenhall
Director of Photography: Matt Braunsdorf
Producers: Lauren Greenhall and Matt Braunsdorf

When she opens up a wig salon for Stylish Orthodox Jewish women in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Zelda -a charismatic wigmaker- empowers women to obey the practice of hair covering with playfulness and glamor; but when she gets a divorce, Zelda struggles with her relationship to Judaism and decides she no longer believes in wearing wigs. 

As she begins to question the fabric of her life with her three young daughters In tow, she sets out on a journey of self discovery to figure out who she really is when she dares to go against the grain.

This film is currently In Post Production and is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and support from the Ravenal Foundation.  

Proud to be workshopped as part of a residency at the Jewish Film Institute and sponsored by the New York Foundation for the Arts. 

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